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Ending and beginning are like best friends!

As Lyn’s bed sore was ending (healing), the abscess on her left hip start surfacing to create about 4 inch diameter circle necrosis tissue. It looked mean and bad. Fortunately (?) Lyn didn’t seem to be in pain.

One of the dumb question people ask at her condition (she cannot say anything) is that is she in pain???

I don’t know. Maybe…because she cannot express herself…So, I don’t know.

But, this abscess was something new to her husband and me. I thought first nurses didn’t really know what to do…a shame. After a few weeks of complaining, finally one of the nurse must think it was bad enough that they needed to do something. SO, she finally got us saline solution and gauge to start pulling out the necrosis tissue.

This journey would be the drama itself…ha ha ha